24 hour holter monitor

Heart rhythm problems can be the cause for palpitations, dizziness, blackouts or even strokes.
These can be due to abnormally slow or fast heart rates or irregular heart rhythms.


24 hour holter monitor

A common method to diagnose heart rhythm abnormalities is monitoring at home with electrodes placed on the chest wall that records the heart rhythm (Holter monitoring). These monitors are worn anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. The electrodes are placed on your chest wall and you will be sent home.

Recordings of the heart rhythm are made over a 24-hour period while you have the monitor on. You will be asked to return this monitor to our clinic once the 24-hour period is complete so that the information on your heart rhythm can be assessed.

Implantable loop monitors

An implantable loop monitor is an USB-sized device for continuous monitoring of the heart rhythm. It is implanted underneath the skin left of the breastbone. A loop monitor is advantageous for patients who have infrequent symptoms. Implantation is performed in a hospital and takes 10-15 minutes under local anaesthetic.

Your cardiologist will usually see you in 2-4 weeks after the procedure to review the information stored on your implantable monitor. The battery for an implantable loop monitor can continuously record your heart rhythm for 3-4 years. Once adequate information has been gathered, the loop monitor can be removed with a procedure similar to the initial implantation. 

Why do your 24 hour Holter monitoring or device checks at the Cardiologists?

At the Cardiologists your 24 hour Holter monitor is reported by one of our experienced cardiologists who specialise in electrophysiology (rhythm disturbances) giving you a highly accurate assessment.

Your device check will be interpreted and managed by the Electrophysiologist who implanted your device.


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